Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two words that made my granddaughter think I might be partially cool

MILEY CYRUS – Yep! Those two words did the trick. At my last acting class, my instructor, Michelle De Long, told the class that a movie starring Miley Cyrus was going to be filmed in New Orleans. What fun to film in New Orleans! She suggested that we, the members of the class, contact our agents to submit our headshots and resumes to the casting director, Ryan Glorioso.

I met Ryan several weeks ago at a seminar he gave in Oklahoma City and auditioned in front of him. He is out of Shreveport and does a lot of casting in the Louisiana area. I have become aware, since I started this acting route, that a number of movies are filmed down there. Michelle passed out “sides” to the class for the part that she thought each of us should try. I was given sides for one of two older detectives. Each of us read through our lines during the class.

I did notice that there were parts for two doctors that were older and I thought I might be well suited for those roles also. One, Dr. Jennings, a handsome, well connected, high society doctor in his 50’s (okay so I fudged a little here) who routinely cheats on his wife. Tailor made for me. The handsome part not the cheating part. The other doctor, Dr. Millson, was a pre-med professor having an affair with one of his young female students. You know you have to stretch yourself for art. What is it about these doctors? Any way, this movie must be a “coming out” film for Miley Cyrus as it is in a more serious vain than her others. Of course, I’ve seen them all (NOT)!

Back to my beautiful 13 year old granddaughter. I texted her after class and told her that I had a chance to audition for a Miley Cyrus film. Well, she thought I was really cool to have an opportunity like that. It takes me half an hour to text a short sentence and in a matter of seconds she had texted me back asking about it. The first thing was I was going to get to meet Miley. I assured her that we’d be “BFF’s – but I had to get the part first. The auditions were going to be Monday and Tuesday and that they would be videotaped and sent to the casting director on Wednesday.

I emailed my agent that evening and asked her to submit me. Michelle had told me which headshot to send and I relayed that to my agent and she sent that one into the casting director. I told her to submit me for both of the detectives hoping I would be picked for one, and to submit me for one of the doctor’s parts of her choosing.

I checked the email the next morning to see what I was going to get. Nothing. I checked that afternoon. Nothing. I checked that evening, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, and finally realized, “Jerry, you are not what they are looking for in casting for those roles.” What a disappointment to have to tell my granddaughter that I did not even get a chance to audition for the movie. Since I now will not pass muster for coolness for my granddaughter, I plan to get a tattoo.

My learning curve covers the depressing fact that when auditioning for a movie, you are never told if you do not get it. You have to find out by chance or you just assume that you are not wanted for one reason or another. This is a very humbling business. Anyway, Mardi Gras does not look like it is in my future.

I recently auditioned for the part of a television station owner for an OCU student film. And, I never heard on that one either, but later did find out they thought I was too old for the part. OUCH!! Doesn’t that student director realize that my chance for an Academy Award could have hinged on whether I got the television manager role? Need to add to my reel.

And, speaking of student films, I will finish filming one I started several weeks ago this coming Friday. At least the director, Bryan Cook, knows talent when he sees it. I expect he will do well in Hollywood.

My wife and I have started building a new house so I have been lax in my blog writing so stay tuned to see what other parts I don’t get. I may not be adding to my acting resume, but I’ve grown another layer of skin – really really thick skin.


  1. Oh,the fickle admirations of grandchildren!Tattoo? As long as it is temporary!! Check out this site

    Hopefully, she will be suitably impressed.

    Best wishes on your continued quest for the red carpet.

  2. I still think you are cool and can't wait to see your tattoo :)

    However, you might have some explaning to do to a certain son of yours who had the choice of having his tattoo removed or continuing to live...
